Friday, July 30, 2004

I'm going to do some more interwriting in Nameways when I am thru here. I've done this a number of times, thoughtfully and thoughtlessly. thoughtlessly as in a sudden 'inspiration' causing me to scribble something in the pages. thoughtfully as in thinking of it as a project. long, long ago, I decorated a copy of Rexroth's translation of Chinese poems (good translations, so far as I can tell) with poems and doodles. it is a presumptuous act, of course, and it is the particular book that I would choose to do this to. I mean, not just any book but one that invites. I think of Napoleon inscribing Egyptian monument with his mother's name. I hope I'mn ot being that kind of shit. what I'm doing with CC is reacting to his work. one way collaboration. Silliman says somewhere that 2 people sent him answers to all the questions in his "Sunset Debris" (which I too answered, but didn't send).

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