Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Rodney Koeneke has quickly proven that he has blogger chops as he keeps the home fires aflame at Casa Mohammad. and it is a legit question to ask whether he had ought to get his own blog. beyond time squander, what other reasons might say don't? well sometimes the goals of it all seem too nebulous and unproductive. blogging can be a waste of gas. obviously it depends. for me, it's a really useful exercise, I don't care what you think. but then I do care what you think. I am aware that this blog gets read a bit, and that's better than nothing. but nothing aint that bad. and so on. how much a blog finalizes one's position in the poetry world remains to be seen. I mean the way a manner of branding occurs to readers as they read and consider blogs. a public voice occurs that may interfere with the poetry one writes. if I wiseacre or flip here at Tributary, will that impinge on readership's reading of the poem? if it does with mine, I guess I don't care. I just like writing. and I'd say pip pip if RK decided to start his own blog


Simple Theories said...

hey, that's a bit of a pun, there: Casa, or Kasa, Mohammad

Henry Gould said...

Writers all face different obstacles & opportunities, I guess. One blogger's decision to quit or withdraw shouldn't be taken as a reflection on what other bloggers are doing or should do. In my case, I'm only leaving because I have to.

I guess I sense a defensive tone in this & Jordan's post of today, which I take as a reflection on my (& John Latta's?) decision to quit blogging for a while. Probably totally off the mark there (Henry Gould is the center of the known universe)! But I do think everybody is free to work & play as they see fit, & all will be well & etc. & I'm glad I can read what you write!

Simple Theories said...

blogs at tiems seem like a social necessity. I was mostly thinking of Rodney K, obviously someone with blog proficiency, or potential. what does one get from one's blog? changes from person to person. it's almost a social nicety, and those should always be watched. I'll miss your blog Henry, and John's. and mine will keep chugging till who knows when.