Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pete Muppet

I think that all meat deserves a chance

I think an offer of meat will be the puppets

I think meat has begun to play

I think because of meat in Scottsdale, Arizona

I think January meat in 1980 called in the original ramparts of immaturity

I think low abrupt meat played respectfullty

I think the meat of brothers have played drums

I think they have begun the meat in June, in 1980.

I think the first meat was all heart punk, with vocals

I think meat in their delivery was unsolved

I think the meat of bigger deposits

I think The musical meat was most times vibration neck

I think the meat has been colored with a element thin and that froths

I think that is abandoned meat of ghost

I think their meat cathartique and explosive matter have attracted etiquette attention

I think acrylic punk meat has released dissatisfying result

I think the meat has codebreak

I think The fascinating experimentation of the meat is psychedelically acidic


Gary said...


Simple Theories said...

thanks! I discovered that I can improve the quality of my writing by having someone else do it.