Thursday, January 05, 2006

I got Ron Padgett's bio of Joe Brainard from the library. I'm afraid that I assume such goodies wouldn't be available in my library's network, so I neglect to check. but LO!!! a book of some heft, unlike Padgett's Ted, which is briefer, albeit a good read (better than Clark's workmanlike). I have several books in queue but this one jumps to the fore. I don't expect Padgett to prove me wrong, I've always had the warmest vibes re Brainard. wondering why, however, no mench has been made about the cover photo. tell me Joe don't look like Mr Rogers, not just the sneaks and sweater but facially too. I also got a couple of Glen Baxter books, which seems absolutely fitting. I don't know of a Koch bio, am awaiting. I suppose it's tacky to think of movies, but the milieu seems prime for excavation. Arnold Schwartzenegger as Ted, Brad Pitt as Frank, Angeline Jolie as Anne, umm... I was in NYC with the actual Jack Kimball once (not to out Jack as someone who consorts with a dickhead like me), passing by St Marks etc, Jack pointing out places where these legends (vraiment) lived, gasp, as if Keats might round the corner, or Dickinson. so close and so distant too. I have previously boringly noted a meeting with Ashbery, which now in memory kinda gains a historical ding dong at this late date. I earned no tattoo from the meeting, I'm not talking that direction, only in the weird collision of worlds and time. I knew Robert Grenier, as teacher, about the time he was saying I HATE SPEECH, which is up there with if they mean to have a war, let it begin here (my hometown). I've seen a 93 year old man die, so 60 somethings don't strike me as old. I'm not killing off Silliman or the other actual LANGUAGE-istas. time's more fucked up than such literal number play. unless you are a nervous eater, I guess. anyway, I am eager to read this memoir. Padgett (all of 63), the survivour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Allen,

You might be interested in this Padgett interview:
