Wednesday, July 01, 2020

The Problem is Pandemic

If you need another clue about the effects of the pandemic around you: a shortage of Budweiser beers currently exists. Now I am too good-looking to make sense, and the shortage is modest, probably just local (I will explain in a bit), but we are talking Budweiser, part of the conglomerate‘s conglomerate, AB-InBev.

Right now, some of the popular package sizes for Bud products are unavailable from the distributor. No twelve packs and eighteen packs to be had going into Fourth of July weekend (which lasts like ten days). That is not how Budweiser works. The spigot to that ocean of beer should always remain open.

Earlier this year, bar versions of Bud and Bud Light were offered at discount to retailers. It’s the same product as the retail version but packaged in a slightly cheaper box. While retail has enjoyed good sales during the pandemic, on premise obviously has been zero. Distributors have yet to bring back all of the sales staff that were furloughed back when restrictions were firmest. This shit ain’t over.

I can’t explain the unavailability of Bud products—too good-looking, like I said—but I think it is all cannedproducts. Is there an embargo on Chinese tin? The company that collects the deposit bottles and cans from us appears ready to go under.

We know that those states that rushed to open are rethinking that tactic. I detect a more dubious note regarding sports purveyors for 2020. Meanwhile Trump threatens funding if military bases honoring Confederate heroes are renamed. More shit, same fan.

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