Saturday, January 01, 2005

auld lanxiety

I don't think the coffee's going to get the job done. last minute we decided to buzz into Bawston to see the fireworks. drunk older couple where we got gas. older meaning somewhere between 41 and 63. the night is charged, and if they get somewhere, there they will be. we managed to avoid careering taxis and, say, do you think God tempers the wind to the shorn sheep ("It's dark, I'm drunk: I better step into the street without looking")? serendipity (a word that has now lost much of its serendipity) brought us to a parking lot on a wharf. a gneral murmur of horns and well-lit folks all around, but little had quiet partiers, thoughtful types. Erin adn I blew thru lots of virtual film catching the fireworks. at the last crackle of the bombarde we raced to the car, for if we waited we'd never get out of the lot. 4 years ago we saw refelctions of the fireworks off a window on the 10th floor of Children's Hospital. after whcih I was shooed from Erin's room (only one parent could remain in the room). and after attempting to sleep in a chair in the hallway, I finally found a gurney upon which to lay my head, sleep perchance to dream. ah memory.

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