I see sunlight in the treetops from my new view here at my desk. first view of sunlight in 10 days, sicne before we moved: 10 days of rain. no leaf-peeping this year, the trees will hurry thru the spectacle then drop their load. yesterday we made our way
thru the mighty Shawsheen River, which had slopped over its sides a bit. at an intersection we saw a woman pushing her car backwards. not surprised to see a stall out. there was a bit of an incline there so she ran the danger of losing control of the vehicle. I ran over to push, at the same time as 2 other people came to help. a man and I took position at the front end, I asked a woman to keep other cars clear while we manuevered. the man directed the woman steering, who was flustered and confused with steering backwards. we got the car to a safe place. the woman in the car kept saying, where did you come from? it was a funny confluence of assistance. I remember a comic book from my childhood. Adventure Comics, I think. the one that featured Superboy and other young heroes (Supergirl, Mon-el Ultra Boy) fighting crime in the 30th century. in one issue we meet several potential heroes who tried out for this august crimefighting unit. alas, these potential heroes were a little lacking in superpower. Nightgirl had Superboy-type powers, but these only manifested at night (!!!). Chlorophyll Kid could make plants grow instantly, but even Brainiac 5 (5th generation nephew of evil-genius robot Brainiac(sic!)) could see no way that such a power could fight crime. so these losers band together as the Substitute Legion of Super Heroes. you just may guess that the divas of crimefighting got themselves into a super pickle such that the Substitutes came to the rescue. our heroes rallied wonderfully, had a good plan of attack and parachuted into the fray. I vividly remember Fire Boy, who was the leader of this motley, calling out orders to everyone, including these memorable lines: Stone Boy, you turn to stone. I mentioned that they were parachuting in, right? I figured the suddenly dense and impervious Stone Boy had ought to drop like a lead weight. anyway, our daring rescue yesterday brought all that to mind. and I am looking at the sun fill the treetops.