Friday, April 15, 2005

I wouldn't advise the non-crank Enrique Gould nor any the others who've quit or threatened to quit blogging to keep on with their blogs. I continue to have trouble staying on with the project, and I love writing this thing. this sort of writing works with my particular process. I can see how blog-writing might distract others from their process, for me it fits my method. but it can become a show, a public dance. examples of such cheap thrills are out there, easy enough to find. how's my career look everyone? maybe this thing reads like that but from this end it is useful (albeit fun) work for me. but still... I quit the flarf list, where I didn't belong anyway, tired, and I don't feel any group attachment. Henry's comments below regarding hisnon-crankiness are pretty sharp, and kind of inspire this pallid rumination here.

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