Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I've lauded Tom Beckett's interviews afore, and we have a yet again situation with him and Jean Vengua. presumably it was done via email, and it does seem written, but it is conversation natheless, lively and unpredictable. both sides listen. a poor interview is exactly when the plangent voice of interviewer holds the answer down, rather than watch it fly. and of course there are times when the interviewee just shovels. Jean's blog is here. mine's ici.

1 comment:

Tom Beckett said...

Merci, Allen.
Aye, the interview was done by e-mail. I believe, with Samuel Delany, that interviews with writers ought to be written. That, after all, is how we writers think, no? I think so anyway.

At any rate, I appreciated yr comments.