Friday, July 07, 2006

reading Hogfather by Terry Pratchett. I read the 1st twenty or so Disc World stries, roughly as they came out, years ago. I've always been interested in humourous writing, but you know, there aint much really in the more "substanial forms", like novels. I used to plunder the local used book store for anything (almost) with blurbs suggesting hilarity. apparently we have variance in the definition of the term. I'v e alwasy equated hilaity with some effort of humour, silly me. so, however I got onto Pratchett, I stayed with his yearly appearances. I stopped reading them a while ago, because I just wasn't reading many novels at all. but I turned Beth onto Pratchett, so that she ends most days with a read of himself, and she's read everything he's produced Disc World-wise, several times o'er. I love how Pratchet's themes are so apocalyptic. he's got himself a s Yoknapatawpha world. I liek Faulkner too, tho somewhat leery of his self-conscious fetid lushness. Pratchett plays his worldscape really well, new and old characters twining merrily. this touchs my poetics, tho I won't bore you with that now. well, only to say one's interest carries.

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