Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jack Kimball writes well of the current temperature of the poetry world and its subsistence blogs, here. the zest seems to have passed, drained elsewhere. as in Facebook, Twitter, I don't know. the Poetics list, and others, too, were lively, in their day. lo 10 years ago or so, I came on board this internet, greeted by a network of forces that I had been abstracted from. there was contact with other poets, that is, and it grew my own work immeasurably. I was vitalized by the Poetics list then, and Subpoetics, and some few other lists. they were places of energy. the old neighbourhoods have changed and right now, it feels like nothing has replaced what there was. I guess there's a whiff of nostalgia here. I do not think that blogs have lost their utility, as singular fronts and as community nodes. my own usage has skidded some recently. I always consider this blog a Poetry blog, even tho my posts are often 'off topic'. I associate everything that I write here with poetics, and if you have a moment (make that a few moments), I could explain. not right now, tho. my reading has not been poetry overmuch of late, tho I have just brought down John Milton from the shelf (Paradise Lost, perhaps), having read a Cromwell bio. and I am reading Carl Sauer's 17th Century North America, and been listening to Olson lectures, namely the Vancouver reading (remember when poetry could be exciting???). if we really are a community, then we need to kick out the jams. we are drifting, right now.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Allen, that is my sense of it. I enjoy keeping up my blog. It's kind of 'practice' with me in that in the meditational sense of that - tho the opposite of detached & quiet, clearly! But it's a way that I keep 'pulse' with my world - the language, maybe, a kind of responsive drum, or 'nerve fabric' in the Whalen mode.

I manage getting about 60 hits a day. Some folks will stay for up to a half, the majority about 3 minutes or less. And most are not for the current entry. Via keywords on Google, they go for the "backlist"in the process of one kind of research or another. One vainly wonders how much is lifted - text or photographs - into term papers and such!
But I agree with your sense that communities - arguments, enthusiasms, etc. - that were once part & parcel of blogland and the Lists are quite mute now. Maybe we don't listen to each other that much, because our 'tones' are predictable and no longer fresh.
One also suspects that the old hierarchies are stepping into the breach again - conferences, prizes et al. That's alright, they will end up again invigorating the emergence of new stuff. Plus, now that Bush is gone, I suspect many are taking a breath to see how this new Administration flies. Have you noticed how dead the New Yorker seems without the Bushies to bat around. Course the economy is no joke.

Anyway, as always, good to hear you toot.

Stephen Vincent
Where it is Day 71 in The First 100 Days of President Obama.

Henry Gould said...

& I'm reading a bio of Edward Coke, Roger Williams' mentor, & hero of "Commons vs. Crown" legal debates of 17th cent. (background for US law). He shows up toward the end of Pound's Cantos. You & I are often on SOMEWHAT parellel tracks, Allen....

Simple Theories said...

thanks for your thoughts, Stephen. and Henry, I appreciate the value of that SOMEWHAT.