Sunday, April 04, 2010

Poems That Are Written for Beth


A night with frogs

Clanking their fang

Insistence promulgates

An endlessness situated

In the pastoral vocation

Of Boston

Massachusetts. You

Quiz the whistling

Of airplanes intent

On crashing into

Forsythia and

You scurry across the

Vengeful traffic

Including doctored

Street signs and

The credit union called

Beacon St. Marlborough St

Is a hayfield. There are

Ropes in the air

Include the

Westin Hotel at

Copley Square, prime retail

Dump that van Gogh would call

A dump. Copley Square

Is named for

A bottle of quick

Paint, loosely stampede

For the cheers of Robert

Lowell fans. Diamonds

Are in special

Store windows, like

Cro-Magnon in the

Dilettante section. Ducks

Gather where

They should. People

In the street are

Targeted for promotion,

Aspic for dinner.

Spring is better

Because of frogs.

Easter is a process

With fronds that include

Your Neighbor,

You are too busy.

William Blake

Was a trundle bed,

And that’s okay.

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