Monday, April 25, 2005

been reading Schuyler's diaries, which are lovely. they aren't especially gossipy but I wish they were so. there's a surprisingly scornful few words about Edwin Denby, no doubt after their relationship had faded. Schuyler rarely shows that kind of eruption. he admits some irritation towards one of Porter's (I think) young daughters, then says never mind to that, I'm the adult and I don't want to ruin this friendship. very sweet. I like the pictures. there's a portrait fo him as a child, looks like one of the Little Rascals. Schuyler in his Navy uniform appears to be 12 years old. a shot of Schuyler in his 20s with his hair pomped like the singer for Flock of Seagulls. a few shots of Ashbery smiling. from his poetry one surmises Ashbery a remote, cool person. he wasn't so when I met him at Franconia but it's an impression one gets. a couple of pictures of Joe Brainard wearing a sterioded Barnaby Street tie or some such. there is definitely something about Brainard. Anselm Berrigan has a couple of really nice poems about Brainard. the book also has an extensive list of Dramatic Personnae, which is rather gossipy. I don't know the social history of the New York poets, so it's revelatory in an unimportant way to read of the relationships, this person with that. a pleasant read. a book to own (which I don't) as diaries read best scattershot.

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