Wednesday, June 29, 2005

this picture struck me. reminded me of any number of 'modern' paintings, I can't isolate an artist name for you. you know, scraping down to simplicities. except it is a picture, not a painting. and I understand the surface is just as flat as a painting, yet I know them holes are holes, even if a photographic simulacrum. Jordan with camera saw them, I am trusting that fact. this picture kinda twirls that 2 dimensional imperative that was stirred up in past intellectual times. generally speaking, Jordan's pictures are attractive in what I'd say is a non-verbal way. he's just being deft to post just one a day, I'm doing my best not to post 17 in an hour. in context of his blog, at which he sometimes doesn't seem to move his lips, his often spare, ordinary pictures are perfect counterweights. that they are largely city pics is attracta me. I've only stopped in NYC once, and that was pre-digital, ortherwise it's just been 95 at whatever pace it chooses to offer. 70 years ago Berenice Abbott was transcribing radiant human energy in those godlovely photos she took, the city still growing. it's a different world for JD, and a different process (no more does one expect or need the subject to pose), but I'd be bold enough to suggest he follows a similar line as Abbott. I likemy own photos, by the way. the miracle is that I haven't posted them ALL.

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