Friday, December 02, 2005

palimpsest cuts written this poem against you:

Does Shall we allow the question of what constitutes have speaking subject to answer itself?

not one my watch.

Inclusive I' m attempting to Be here.

beans are inclusive of beanness, I think.

With camera sides from left to right, appears to reorient figure absent from the frame, tenders flexibly combative abdication from the photograph of castle drawn in pencil.

then the happy squirrel raced across the lawn with the nut in its mouth.

This is what we might call has process.

peerage has its ventures.

Reach the end of the board and you' Re allotted higher notch, one whipping post of ghost hierarchy's boldfaced blacklist.

and when the drain gets clogged, turn to Drano for relief. Capital This is what we might call the cost of equipment.

yew could Be conscious of the pennies involved in just laying it all out.

has mechanical delivery system failed to account for the weight of another clause scratched onto its surface, so palimpsest attempts via the unknown to give terminology purpose.

log jams wait.


Bobby said...

right on the ride on

Simple Theories said...

your blog is a ride on right on