Sunday, January 08, 2006

another zowie from Jordan Davis. I'm not plumping up my photography or demeaning his by saying I relate to his work. it seems like an adventure of out and about. camera ready(or awake). Alli Warren and Stephanie Young are more peoplish, and I like that too (can't do it myself, feel intrusive), sort of journalistic and present here and a part of the goings on. god knows how many pix I've lost in my computer scrape, I haven't done the investigation yet, but those pix are (were) precious even if so many are lose-able. and I didn't mean to swerve away from Jordan's pictures, which are quite definite in an 'artistic' way (have to isolate the word artistic there, it's just too much), I wish mine were. it's a mechanical use of the present, I guess I'm, saying. writing is so much that, moment, and if you have a camera, especially digital, you can take a selection from the rivering flow. the one I highlight here: it's he light. too often, I can't get the light I see, which is both me and maybe the camera's limitation. which is to say, there's something to learn about photography beyond click. but gosh, it's a lovely fun. and I'm neglecting Stephen Vicent's wonderful thoughtful shots, walking thru SF, out and about.

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