Monday, March 20, 2006

I liked Mark Lamoureux's poem Anhedonia, posted 3/13. the format's effective, dodging left and right as well as heading downward. it reminds me of Idea's Mirror by Stephen Ratcliffe, insofar as the word units chain together while remaining discrete. single lines in the case of Ratcliffe, doubles in the case of Lamoureux. the white on blackpage works nicely, as well. I don't seem to muck around with format a whole lot. clunky prose blocks, that's largely my hallmark. it seems like the poem could go for some length. I'd like to read more.

1 comment:

Mark Lamoureux said...

In subsequent sections, the syntax is supposed to go in different directions (e.g. down the page in columns as opposed to right-to left, etc.) This is harder to get right (no pun intended) for some reason.