Thursday, October 05, 2006

we gave Erin a sample of the CLEP test for English and he didn't do well. CLEP = College Level Entrance Program and is a way for homeschoolers to get credits. Erin writes really well, naturally. I mean he has a distinctive, direct voice and ease. he complaiend that the test didn't make sense. Erin hasn't taken a lot of tests, and that can be telling. I decided t try the same test. the test was confusing. quite a few qustions offered 5 choices of which none seemed ossibly right. I missed 25 out of a 100 questions. I wonder about the whizbangs who create these tests. I don't pretend to be grammatical brilliant, tho most of my non-standard usage is intentional and I know what I am doing. but I take the matter of writing seriously, and have studied it and practiced it. I try to use English in an adventuresome way, as does Erin, as do many (not all) writers. such adventure seems antithetical to what CLEP's program is. yet CLEP doesn't seem to be aiming for clarity. poop on them.

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