Saturday, August 16, 2008


Beth and I got around to unpacking books into the built in bookcase in the living room. we moved a few weeks ago, but had not gotten around to freeing our books from their boxes. we are talking only some of our books, we still have much to do getting the rest out, and in fact all will not be freed. we no longer have any in storage now, at least. the point I am working on here is just the deliciousness of unpacking and organizing the books. Beth and I have catholic taste in books, we cover a lot of genres. I had not seen some of these books in a while. I mean, oo, War and Peace: I've been reading about Napoleon lately so rereading W&P is tempting. several Wittgenstein books, I would like to spend some time. an older edition of Mrs Browning's Poetry, and a newer edition of Robert's collected works. The Letters of Henry Roots, they are riotous and will be left out for ready appreciation. a nice illustrated edition of Walden, must be time to read that again. Tristram Shandy, to be read by the fireside, with a dollop of tawny port. the 2 volumes of Olson's Muthologos, which have always been energizing works for me, his conversations and lectures. what about collections of stories by Ray Bradbury? Locus Tides by Mary Rising Higgins, which Beth and I published. Beth knew and was touched by Mary, remembered her untimely death. Eileen's brick, a delight to pick up and wander in. Emily Dickinson's Collected, tho I have not yet found my copy of Howe's remedy to the overarching harvardness involved in that collection, that is: My Emily Dickinson. oh, and My Angie Dickinson (Michael Magee). does this list bring forth any visceral tingle to yourself? Carl Sauer's review of 16th century North America. Simone Weil's discussion of the Iliad. Fitzgerald's translation of the Iliad. 3 different translations of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, each one vigourous and worthwhile. Newton's Principia. 3 books by Carl Sagan. Don Quixote by Kathy Acker, which I have not read yet. I list here books that I am eager to read/reread. 5 of the 17 Aubrey books by Patrick O'Brian that I own. which Beth has just recently begun working her way thru. woohoo. Drafts 1-38 by Rachel Blau Duplessis. I never read Don Quixote by Cervantes either, but the books sits patiently. all books do. maybe 20 dictionaries of various sorts, including Oxford's dictionary of Scottish, a mine of weird looking words of great vigour. says the Sasenach. a wonderful batch of field guides, including mushrooms, the atmosphere, as well as birds, fish, and flowers. I could go on. most of my poetry books are still packed away. poetry as a limitation, as defined by the Poetics list, is a fade, deflated tire. the poetry books are at topshelf, stand on a chair height. to be stepped up to. the spectrum, its light of inclusion, is a poetry. our library, that is, is a poetics.

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