Saturday, May 01, 2010

Bill Knott Don’t Like Bloglaureates

Bill Knott posted the following in a comment on my previous post. I bring it forward here because he brings up points that I did not, plus he sounds a cranky note that I can only aspire to. Join me, fellow cranks!

the "blog poets" they nominate are alike in one way: they don't publish their poetry on their blogs or the web—

unlike them, I post/have posted ALL my poetry online for free open access and download . . .

which it seems makes me ineligible for any blogpo laureating—

surely to be the po-laur of the blogosphere, you should actually publish your poems there?

all or most of those laurpo nominees use their blogs chiefly to publicize and sell their deadtree books—

seriously: how can any deadtree poet be the laureatepo of the blogworld?


Jim K. said...

It's a bit of a misnomer...
it ends up being someone with lots
of links and visitors. Somewhat
useful for that. There is no blue
ribbon 'n' brie committee, or money.
Check out the prior winners...
,..they basically run link-piled
connection hubs. Ain't no big

Josh said...

Bill Knott is my new hero. Tripped over his blog on a random google search, downloaded his free books on a hunch and had better poetry than I've had in months.

And on top of it all, he's an anti-glad-handing curmudgeon!