Saturday, February 25, 2006

just a leedle more on Ratcliffe. his lines hang there, in mental space, translucent. you might think Grenier or Silliman: "the phone, having heard", "driving off in a car, which is blue", "light slanting on the table, grass". Grenier in the boiled phrases, Silliman in the diurnal observation. Ratcliffe quotes Heidegger at the beginning: "Whatever lingers awhile becomes present as it lingers in the jointure which arranges presencing jointly between a twofold absence". lingers awhile made me think of Whitman as I typed. I have to grapple with H's twofold absence, but I think Ratcliffe is hitting on the layers and simultaneity with the quote. Whitman's sense of self cosnciousness and obliteration enters in, as well. anyhoo...

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