Friday, March 03, 2006

the Boston Globe--it's a little rag helping to minister to NYT's gazillions--today ran an op-ed (op for opportunistic, maybe, or operations?) decrying John Stewart and the Daily Show for... cynicism. the mean spirits from that show are taking the oomph out of our political system. see, people who would be great leaders (the writer cited Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson as same, amazingly enough), are so disheartened by the cynicism put forth by the Daily Show that they never enter the fray. clearly, anyone so easily put off aint got the moxie to begin with. according to this authority, people are getting their news from DS, rather than from unbiased sources like, say, Fox News. which is malarkey. the blurb about the author of this slurp stated simply: graduated from Harvard College in 2005. I'm unclear why it's College rather than University but never mind that. Harvard's imprimatur sits smugly on the 2 bit opinions. as in: oo, this person must have a bead on the sitch. remember the Monty Python skit in which a fellow tries to convince someone that truly he (1st guy) is a psychiatrist by showing that he has a copy of Psychology Today and such. sounds similar here. yes, I went to Harvard, I even drank Guinness at the Plough and Stars. obviously I'm a smart young lad. and blah blah blah. and the Globe felt pleased to humour this genius. stupid. muy stupid.

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