Monday, May 29, 2006

read one manga in which a girl in a castle-like house deals with ghosts. it's called Bizenghast, and I wonder if that is an allusion to the Gormenghast trilogy, a particularly roccoco bit of whatsis if there ever was (Dickens on acid). it's joky and weird and morbid all at once, all aimed at a younger crowd. acting like a 'rent, I'd probably (like that security guard yesterday) question how okay it might be for a young un to read this, but then I recall that I enjoyed those Charleston horror comic books, similar ilk. it just looks different from this end (old fart talking). still reading another manga, gangs and street shit. heavy. kinda Japanese Boyz n the Hood or such, young noirish. there's a lot of flourish in the artwork but I don't always get what's going on when words aren't backing up the picture. I must be hopeless.

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