Thursday, May 27, 2004

I was out front spraying a troubled almond bush when a young man greets me from the street and asks, for real, if my mother or father were home. the gist of his program was that he was selling magazines. he was really smooth. told me he'd been a knucklehead on the street corner, you know, and doing that, but wised up and got in this deal where he's taught how to speak well, and then sent out to sell magazines. he certainly did speak well. he asked, am I presenting myself well? and I said, better than I do. whether he was scamming or whether this is a legit thing, he was wasting his talent.


mairead said...

Dear Allen, you out front spraying a troubled almond bush does conjure up strange images.

Simple Theories said...

I guess it's self-evident why the almond was troubled.