Thursday, May 27, 2004

yes that was me watching "Troy" this afternoon. wanted an instant replay of Achilles Pitt in a feint and leap to defeat his 1st adversary. a Bruce Lee/Michael Jordan sort of move that belongs on Sportscenter. the movie took license a-plenty re Homer, yet the license didn't bother me the way all the little changes in "Lord of the Rings" added up to a big smack. I could see the dramatic point in the changes that were made for "Troy". I dug out Fagles' translation of The Iliad, which I haven't read in longtemps. dunno if I still have Lattimore's version.

1 comment:

mairead said...

If I had my books unpacked I'd write out for you the Flann O'Brien Keats & Chapman story about Chapman's pigeon, titled of course "On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer."