Tuesday, May 25, 2004

the Ultimate King of Condition files into the hall, view, well, it’s a place, palace? he is just one, perfect, not only, is there, is well, is okay, is talking to the Ultimate Queen of Condition, and anyone else, is talk, cheap sometimes, ready, on target if willing, well, thoughts about thinking thru all this business, while the planet swirls in survey, HEY! I could be the Ultimate King of Condition, or you could be so, or Queen thereof, full disclosure, or in-law of something else in the same vein, or truly inspired to release, while the craft of poetry sticks to the roof of real eaters, HEY! I could do That! and tomorrow is another condition while yesterday lurks and leaks, steaming jungles full of condition, which any conditioned man or woman might jack up to new heights or plummet like a retarded expectation along lines of there and then or here and now, well, you get the picture, lofting over the jungle where condition, YOU get the picture while telling people, YOU and I both get pictures while waiting or ‘online’, you and I and many others included in ‘all’ defer to the expectation of condition while surveying all these plants and animals etc, we, you see, this is about the Ultimate King of Condition, and the Ultimate Queen of Condition, and no doubt the Ultimate Dog of Condition, and the Ultimate So Forth of Condition, long lines, there must be a use for being so, yet this is not to say it NOW, HEY! listen to condition itself, without Kings and Queens, and see if care, see if caring, see if in between the words already used there are more and better, see? let it, that is, rise or whatever the verb is today, all condition all the time…

1 comment:

mairead said...

This is definitely the craziest post yet (I started at the top.)