Saturday, May 21, 2005

just saw a production of Much Ado About Nothing, performed by the homeschool cooperative to which Erin belongs. he wasn't in it. they did Winter Tale last year, a decent production but a comparatively dull play. Much Ado is a better play. the leads were all excellent, not only having their lines but reading them with flair. they were all teenagers. the intermix of young kids with older is interesting. and more girls than boys so girls take lot of the male roles. I was most impressed with the boy who played Leonato. he's 8 years old and has trouble focusing. the play must have been good for him, for he really got into the role. he put lots of energy into his lines, even an accent. it was neat to see him perform with such confidence, because he has appeared at times such a worried youngster. I can just see him at home declaiming his lines.

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