Friday, May 19, 2006

this piece by Stan Apps illustrates the possibilities of Google collage. the diversity of opinion that melds into this blur of voices. what a variety of articulations! Rob Fitterman's work explores similar territory. it's an uncomfortable experience, as funny or satiric as it might also be. such definitivness, yet all that definition seems for naught. Apps' piece also invokes a recontextualizing (gosh what an icky word!). every sentence could've been driven as the theme of this piece, as regular ole criticism (that is, reading this piece as straightforward crit, one could choose any sentence and ride that theme). that Apps supplies a whole bunch of themes performs a pounding on the brain: tear down the walls!!! okay, that's an old Jefferson Airplane song talking now. the point is the valid density of all this. a necessity resides in holding the varied narratives apart and respectfully secure, as people are apart, as are people are discrete. Maggie Zurawski chaunts on her blog about Mike Magee's poem, an earnest examination. I wouldn't argue her viewpoint except to suggest that she relies too much on one narrative possibility in the poem. the poem doesn't want to be channelled so severely. with Apps' piece, the pounding of the idea of flattens all opinion into a globby mass, despite how defining these opinions are. this is a tremendous sort of political unrest on display, I mean in such poetry as can embrace and comprise all this enterprise of bubbling. anyway, it's always good to take a look at just what sort of machine a poem might be.

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