Friday, April 23, 2004

Hegel seems poetic to me in an impenetrable or even gnostic way. I am fascinated now with philosophy, as I wasn't until recently. this effort to make language mean, it seems so absurd when philosphers start trying. I mean they try to be so careful, so that their language looms with density. my method with the Hegel piece I am writing has been, partly, to scan thru the book and latch onto phrases. I either change words or riff on the phrase. it feels like a valid way of reading Hegel. Peter Ganick has said that his writing is philosophy. his writing is his thinking. his mode is not quite what we expect as philosophy, but you can see him working. Stein, who after all did have William James as a teacher, is a philosophical writer. I like how the mode is intrinsic in the writing, the thinking process, in both Stein and Ganick.

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