Monday, August 30, 2004

I think Nada Gordon's doctor has looked at her tongue long enough. but that's just to say I appreciate her blog and her writing. at one time, days of loggerhead, of constraint, perturbation of the path, my journal writing was pretty much my entire effort. that journal was basically a daily riff. I was writing some poetry then but not with fire. the journal began as a place to ponder my reading, but almost immediately I went a-field. music, movies, crappy tv shows. divagations on New Yorker ads and considerations on catalogues and what not. step one was to scribble in notebooks. step two was type it up. in typing I would ruthlessly cut what clanged disharmoniously or seemed uninteresting. a range of attention manifested. I had maybe 600 pages typed with lots more still to. then that whole project stopped, as I returned, somehow, all love, to poetry. still have the notebooks 'somewhere', and diskettes of the typing, maybe even print outs. well, now Tributary seems to fill that urge bit. I try to stay 'on message', id est, this will largely be about poetry as per AHB. my other blog, R/ckets&S/ntries is just plain writin'. I think of it as thematic, and as even one 'poem'. it is not a collection. it is written on the (blog)spot. I've yet to go to the trouble of saving it to my hard drive. I dunno why I've made such a tangent except to recognize the way a project like a blog can come and go. missing Nada's reports lately, you see, and Gary Sullivan's, and Kasey Mohammad is much less heard than ought, etc. it's not that I'm such a computer injection guy, but people have lulled me into expectation. and currently, I don't want a big project saying come on, as did Digital Cellular Phone...

"I want to be kind, like a shack in the forest, a river passes by, each bird pulls a position into play, the favour of a glint of summer on river surface or the ice that happens, time to help and heal and listen while the birds, again, the air is rich, a chord sounds perfectly, for time exists in dollops, then the still, the reaching, the elegant and playful, going on as going can be complete, I want this in a light of loving, come to passion, elect and give, this is a mantra for a day, when I am strong, and verses tell a story, and story leaves a place for moments in the glare, tell you there."

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