Wednesday, September 01, 2004

look at my consequence!

Tim Peterson alerted me that he writ a review of my (and Henry's) reading. it's a 'good' review, but it's not the good part that interests me so much, it is the view Tim's piece affords. one writes within some energy, is carried thereby, and altho there is collusion between reader and writer, there are also separate events involved as we 'get together'. or I am thinking of tributaries (HAH!!!) in their distant configuration then meeting in the greater river. I don't think too much about the engine parts of my writing. I mean, it is probably better if I leave my brain out of this so far as I can. Tim is obviously (look at Tim's consideration of Ashbery and O'Hara earlier on his blog) thoughtful about poetrty, in a way, actually, that I am not. I can lament as does Henry that we haven't had a lot of consideration of our work. Henry's work deserves consideration for it is serious, real work, and it is out and about. I've been rather hesitant, up till recently, to push my work into the public gleam. I beam a bit to think someone got 'something' from my writing, that's a natural, unavoidable reaction. but it is illuminating to see the how of that. I'm not self-advertising here so much as reveling in the process, the larger process that I haven't much participated in.

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