Monday, November 01, 2004

further opportunity

Dear Sir/Madam

May i use this opportunity to introduce my sense of sweaters? I am Mrs. Sarah Tami Savimbi. I am the wife to the late MR. GREAT JONAS SAVIMBI,the leader of the Angora Sweater Revolution, and a famous experimental sweaterist. We are known to Johnny UNITAS, famous football player who wears sweaters. My husband died while on active duty in the Sweater Revolution. This is an effort to liberate our people from coats and mere heavy shirts. I am contacting you with the believe that we will develop a cordial sweater relationship which will be beneficial to both cardigans and pullovers. I am currently in possession of Seventy Five Million United States sweaters, which i intend to use for sweatering purposes specifically in your sweater-fascinated country. The sweaters came about as a result of my late husband's inability to proceed without sweaters. Even his personal millinery hardware, which he contracted with South Africa Sweater Company, is sweater-rich and provoked. Since the start of our sweater war, the source of the funds in knitting the sweaters has been from the sales of rare experimental sweaters under our control. My son was the Secretary Of Sweaters, with cardigans particularly under the leadership of my late husband. My husband looked great in cardigans, and felt like jiffy! The sweaters were always exported to South Africa and part of the proceeds usually used in buying millinery hardware and knitting needles, of which God be praised. I traveled immediately to my late husband's sweater closet in South Africa and discovered the sum of SEVENTY FIVE MILLION SWEATERS hidden under his underground sweater closet. Due to my status as a refuge, i cannot invest these sweaters here in South Africa. I therefore seek your assistance in fluffing these sweaters outside South Africa. All necessary dry cleaning fluids has been used by me and i assure you that there is no risk of pilling on excellent sweaters. We will work modalities for the success of these sweaters. We promise to give you 10% of the total sweaters for experiment in sweater making and wearing. Your assistance and my family will remain 90% interested in pullovers for our featured sweater in your country, with almost the most best cardigans available to the few. I hope that this argyll pattern will interest you particularly. I will like you to contact my son who is presently in a sweater asylum in Europe suffering rare sweater disease. You can visit him on tuesday but avoid mohair at this time. You understand my plight with sweaters in my blood. Please i will like you to keep this sweater pattern for knitting later. My theory of sweaters is a later treat in all secrecy in whatever your decision will be while i await your response through the sweater security email address of my Son.

Best Regards

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