Wednesday, January 19, 2005

the piece below, Poet At, came out of my 'understanding' of this by Tim Peterson. for me a matter of tone, which I guess is attack, not so much method as attitude. I wrote another piece thusly inspired, that I will post here as well, I'm feeling lavish with my genius!!! but really, just experimenting. I like being told what to do, altho I've never enjoyed my experiments with metre. which proved too concerned with puzzling the the form rather than, you know, writing. I admire those who can work within metric boundaries, and take seriously the promulgations (if that lug nut is the right word) of Mike Snider and Henry Gould concerning such. note that I've messed with flarf, and the comp exercises that Jack Kimball bespeaks. just throwing spaghetti on the wall, seeing if anyone will salute.

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