Sunday, January 16, 2005

Stephen Vincent's poetry settles in diurnal rhythm. picturesque, I think, is the right word. of course the point is not to write about someone else, it's to write about ME. still, Stephen has a walking rhythm, most evident in the two series: Walking Theory and Crossing the Millennium, which are both growing on his blog. aside from specific daily walk about poems, his book, Walking, has a lot of poems, 'set' in Africa, that have a notational approach that I equate with a daily sort of noticing, albeit exotic in its provencance. my writing is less calm than SV's, for it is often written, or ridden, quickly. I see SV pondering as he walks, maybe even making lines in his head. reminded of Nathan Whiting (I think his name is). Ron Silliman mentioned him recently. NW is a poet I've read in Michael Lally's None Of The Above anthology (and nowhere else). Whiting's poetry situated in the running he did. in my high mileage days I wrote quite a bit in such way. reliving the run. for distance running creates a slow projector for a running movie: you thru the streets and pathways. inside such running you are aware of the event before you, the unwinding movie. that sensibility stayed with me even if the poetry writ that way wasn't so special. SV has found a way to incorporate his walking with his writing. finding a meditative place. for time and event rush, dont they? currently I am weary, not writing well. I had to tell my father today that his sister was dead these 10 years. he'd forgotten, and was greatly saddened by the news. in witnessing my father's memory loss, I'm thinking of the streaming event which nonetheless throws up chunks of memory, the things that stay. anything can be important, or perhaps, everything is. SV, then, placing his gaze generally, and generously. I see this as well, differently, in Silliman's work, the strangely effervescent detail. my own work goes at a speed that, maybe I am kidding myself, maybe I am missing things. I depend a lot on the serial motive, how my vocabulary, by the reiteration of its 'use', and of my interests, clapping on to the exciting factor, how in working within these I see develope a Poetry. is this lazy of me? overconfident? naive? I suppose those questions don't matter, I'm just winging it. that's okay aint it? I'm trying to meditate daily, trying to see better. it is good example for me to see a meditative element in other writers. I mean sure, let the aliens or the Eternal Authours write the words, but consider what they gave and how it might mean in me. that's the work cut out for me.

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