Thursday, May 12, 2005


a bright fury of spring tuned high. cloudless, or near enough. yesterday was warm enough that I undid all the screens to let the spring air in. today was bejesus windy, even as the sun was warm. I took springtime pix of flowers and green. I like holding the camera oddly. just wish I could maintain focus. I bicycled to Great Meadows. I took the path in, which is a former railroad cut. muddy as of april, not may. the ground is plump with water, the Concord River is a mile wide, into the woods. I photographed a bit in that toothy wind. swallows were veering as they do, but they didn't look like they had conrol in the wind. seemed to slide across the sky, willy nilly. spent some hours at the home school cooperative. hung with Isaac, whom I've menched. he then had a class and I was given Anna to keep an eye on. Anna's 5 I guess, was, with her older sister Alice, in our art class. I just had to be the responsible adult while her mother was away, but Anna went out alone to the parking lot to use chalk on the asphalt so I joined her. 2 other children joined us. then indoors and I did some scribbling in my sketchbook and Anna did a drawing in pencil on some paper I gave her. Isaac returned and began drawing a pair of legs. last week he did a picture of Charles I (avec tête), which he gave me. the legs here were very good, but he hadn't the time to finish the figure. I read Whitman, scribbled more, and read about a symposium, Dalai Lama and scientists (great stuff!). participated in a class to make a coptic stitch book. which is sewing several signatures together. I got the concept but didn't perform well. couldn't keep the stitch tight. thus and so forth, till tired now and will read to sleep.

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