Friday, July 09, 2004

speaking poli sci I should mench Kevin Magee. I admire his writing. densely political, being both an involvement with and a consideration of political writers as well as in the issues. it is serious attention to the langauge and the action, and I think that exceptionally rare. as in eloquent writers who don't match actions, or action takers who cheat the word. I don't think there is politics except at the base level of the very word, and those who misuse the word are working against. Magee periodically floats his stuff thru Poetics, where I don't think enough attention is paid. I've seen his work in Sulphur and surely it's around online I thought he had a site, but several computer crashes have taken lots of bookmarks away. I would like to read more of his work. I always want to read the works he cites, too. that's a value in Olson, as well.

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