Tuesday, April 25, 2006

poem by Lanny Quarles

From the Ragged Breasts of Onlookers

Anne Frankensteinlageryetimedusaqualung
whose dick chaineys swing like welks
whose bush is putrid banana slugs
whose colon pals are luminous barnacle sausages
stuffed with Volkswagen assclowns with squidbeard mudra-applets
whose ivory tower moustache tentacles (sojourn, sojourn!)
are like a jungle gem for jaded jingles jangling in their angling oogles

O Doktor Jekyll-jelly-doom Breasted Concentration Camp
you genre of queer hyena soccer hooliganeshas (robo-retards!)
hoboing amongsth sad veteran's of psyd-chic Vars,

Ye Thrice Bullock'd Buskers of
THE NEW EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN (Crayon Redeemer Armor made of Heiligenacht naughty snakes!)
come lately from your Nabi-Nazi-hutch-puch-punchinutella smeared tribadic thropsiers
to dangle your labial petticoat instruction manuals
into my motley-brained fool's paradise

What have YOU to offer ME~!

I was there when Granada moored its Blind Emily
Dick-in-Sun to the Logan's Run Fatima Hand
so holy red jew'ld
wrapped in candied hogsnout and bitter gut-lace,
so fete-shrimp'd for the horking pons

O ye Tiny Gnaouan biscuit peddlers
whom stars love
I cannot fry Mohammad in effigy
in Jimmy Dean
as somebody has put a delete key squarely in the forehead
of your absent faith

Flibbigibbeted in Direct Mailings!

O dry waterless tongue of exquisite beauty!

so faithful to Heather LockLear
so certain of her G-spot
and S-spot
and D-spont:

God, I am in your way.
Push me aside, and make this day,
Chubby Checker Istanbul Strip Club
with Anne Frankenstein Yeti Medusa Aqualung hash boys
painted by Runnabeegle "Bosch-und-Loam" Marais..

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